I absolutely hate it when you're right there on the edge of sleep, you think you've finally managed to get your thoughts to wind down, and then one of the little buggers creeps in? That happened to me the other night - well, it happens most nights - but this night, it was the thought of the impending pressure to make New Year's Resolutions.
Every resolution I've ever heard of or uttered - big or small, vague or specific - has been related to some personal improvement such as the health (exercise more, lose weight, eat/drink less, stop biting my nails), karma (volunteer, be more compassionate, donate to charity), finances (save more, spend less, invest), etc. of the resolute.
The resolute. The committed. Not so much. It turns out that about 88% of us are not resolute or committed to our resolutions. We make these resolutions with the intention of succeeding, but only about 12% of us actually do succeed.
I know myself well enough by now to know that I will probably not change my eating or exercise habits for the better. So why continue this? Why set myself up for failure? Again? Which brings me back to my boss being on to something.
This year, I resolve to make resolutions that can't fail. I will keep kissing my husband good night every night. I will keep scratching my dog in his favorite spot. I will give him treats whenever he asks for them. I'm not sure I can cuss much more than I already do, but I can eat more fried foods.